August 2024 - We have introduced a field called Clinical Priority within the intervention, you can now prioritise interventions, low, medium or high and it will have an effect on the allocation of the Autoscheduler, for more information please see the support article: What is Clinical Priority?
Depending upon your configuration, these may be called items or interventions rather than services.
You can add as many types of services onto the system as you require. In order to do this you will need to go to Settings -> Services -> Add Service. (Account Manager permission required)
Name: This is the name of the service and shows on rotas, creating visits etc.
Tolerance: This relates to call monitoring (an added module on your account). If your staff are able to check in and out of jobs on your account, this is where you set the threshold for how late or early they have to be for it to create an alert.
Next is Payroll Reference - This is a field that is currently used for the Xero Invoice report as data input here will appear under the "AccountCode" column.
The Maximum number that can be allocated per shift is the maximum number of that type of service that can be auto scheduled to a single staff member.
If you have "Filter Services By Groups" enabled on your account, you will also be able to Group your services. If a group is selected, the service will only be displayed if you are creating a visit with the same group. For more information about this please Click Here
Clinical Service allows you to place a 'tag' on whether this service is a clinical service or non-clinical service. This will pull through on the Sit Rep Report.
Lowest Qualified Band allows admin users to set which band level/s are more appropriately suited to the service visits. For example, if Band 5 has been selected as the Lowest Qualified Band, it means Band 5+ are best options. Please note - Civica Scheduling will not give warning messages if the user with a higher band has been allocated to the visit. This is more of a guidance to allocations and this tool allows for flexibility to adhere for variety of circumstances.
This Service is time sensitive: When you create or edit a visit, if the time set on the visit is outside what you have set here, it will give you a warning. For instance, you may have a type of visit that has to be completed in the morning. You will also receive a warning if multiple time sensitive services have been added.
This Service has a recomended proposed duration: If this option set, if the proposed duration set on a visit being created is outside what you have set here, it will give you a warning. Note: This is a proposed duration only: it is not mandatory, and can be overridden when an event is created.
With both of the above options, when you come to creating visits you will be warned if you try to save without matching the set default time or proposed duration.
- Group Appointments with this Service when auto scheduling - Enabling this tick option will put the visits associated with the service back to back rather than spreading them around for the day when autoscheduling.
- Untrained second User for double ups when auto scheduling - Ticking this option will allow the second user for a double up to not have to be trained/qualified for this service.
Colour: You can choose a background colour to show on your rota views to make it easier to scan read these pages. We recommend pale colours as it is easier to read the writing.
Item Sort Order: This forces a specific order when you a creating a visit. Most of the time you would ignore this option and everything will show in alphabetical order, but if you supply a wide range of services, but for instance 3 services make up the vast majority of what you do, you may want to set a sort order here for those popular services. This will also display when viewing the list of all of your services.
Add to hours worked?: Normally this would be ticked. However, for services such as being on call you may not want those hours to be counted as hours worked. In that case you would untick it.
Allocate all staff: If this is ticked, it will allocate all selected users for this service. This can be handy for services created like All Hands, Training or Meetings.
Below the Save Service button, you will see a list of all your staff members, this will allow you to select the staff that are trained for this service
Staff Qualified: When you are using the allocate function to suggest relevant staff to cover a visit, it will prioritise staff who have been set as qualified to complete it.
Click the ‘Save Service’ button below to save.
The green notification will indicated that the service has been saved successfully.
You should repeat this process and add the remainder of your services.
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