Please note: If you have Acuity Scores enabled on your account and have allocated these to patients, you will see these on the Compact View. You will be able to sort order them in ascending and descending order.
The compact view now includes an Address column.
In addition to being able to view a large quantity of visits, the compact view is great for making lots of small changes to your rotas.
To get to the Compact View click on the Visits tab in the menu and then select the Compact View from the drop down.
Visit Group Filter View
If you have this filter view enabled then it allows you to have Advanced Filtering this means that you have the option to filter by Staff/Patient/Sites group or Visit group. To bring up Advanced Filtering click on the link Advanced Filtering next to the filters.
Here you have a variety of options such as:
1. Staff, Patient or Site must be under all selected teams -If you check this box the visits will be filtered by the Staff, Patient or Sites that are under all selected group. Example: patients must be in group 1 and group 2 group.
2. Visits must include all selected service - If you check this box, the visits filtered must include the selected services. Example: patients must be receiving one visit for insulin and wound care.
3. Visit Groups - Here you can select the groups the visits are in.
4. Staff/Patient/Sites Groups - Here you can select the group for the staff, patient or site.
5. Patients - Here you can search for Patients by entering their name, you can add multiple patients on one search.
6. Staff - Here you can select staff to be included in the search, you can add multiple staff on one search
7. Services - Here you can specify what services you want to include in the search
8. Here you can clear all the current search parameters by clicking the Clear button or choose to load them by clicking the Load button.
Staff/Patient/Sites Filter Visit View
If you have this filter view it allows you to:
- Filter the view by staff, patient, group or service - the filters are shown at the top.
- Filter by group - you have the choice to filter by a group based on staff member or group based on the patient.
- Filter by a staff member - Only lists that staff member, this is useful if you want to know what a specific staff member is doing.
- Filter by a patient- Only lists that patient, this is useful if you want to know what visits a specific patient has.
- Filter by site - Only shows visits that have been associated with that site.
- Filter by service - Only shows that service across all staff members this is useful if you want to see what overnight visits you are doing for instance.
Filter by unallocated visits - to filter by unallocated visits you need to first click on the Visits (1) tab, then click on Compact View (2). Once the page has loaded, you then click on Display only unallocated visits (3) as shown in the screenshot below, then click Load (4).
View period from 4 hours to 31 days - to view a period of visits from 4 hours up to 31 days, you click on the Drop-down box (1) and select a specific time frame. Then you need to click on Load (2) to load up the visits within that time frame.
On the top right-hand side of the screenshot above there are a few different colours. The visits are colour coded depending upon their status:
- Dark Grey - Virtual Visit
- Blue - Face-to-Face visit, without any problems.
- Light Blue - the Patient is in a different group to the allocated staff member
- Dark Green - this is a double-up visit.
- Light Green - this is a completed visit with a survey attached.
- Amber- there is some kind of problem such as a clash or a visits start or end time does not fit within the threshold.
- Red - this will highlight any visits with a Clinical Risk such as an incompatibility, a visit given to an untrained staff member, a visit with more than one staff member assigned inappropriately, A visit outside of the staff members availability or the intervention limit has broke the maximum limit per shift rule.
- Grey - this shows staff leave.
- Black - the visit has been cancelled.
Cancel visits; either a single one or bulk cancel - to cancel a single visit you can click the Cancel button on the left-hand side of the visit you wish to cancel. To Bulk Cancel you select all the visits you want to cancel either by either selecting them individually by the checkbox on the far left of the visit or click on the Select All button just above the Date and then click on the red Cancel button to the right of the drop-down list.
To Bulk Uncancel you select all the visits you want to uncancel and select Uncancel in the drop-down box, then click on the green Bulk Uncancel button.
Bulk allocate/unallocate - to bulk allocate/unallocate, you will follow the same steps as above, but instead of clicking Cancel, you click Allocate/Unallocate instead.
If you use the bulk allocate option, you will also see a "Reorder Days" checkbox. (Same way as the Day View reorder button works). This button allows staff to bulk allocate and re-order at the same time, as opposed to switching to the Day View to reorder.
There is also a Total field which displays the total availability for the staff member for that specific day, in the example below we can see they have been allocated 20 minutes worth of visits out of a 12 hour availability.
You will also receive a confirmation pop up prompt requesting staff to confirm the visits allocation and re-order update.
Bulk move - To Bulk Move you select all the visits you want to move either by either selecting them individually by the checkbox on the far left of the visit or click on the Select All button just above the Date and then click on the drop-down list and select 'Move'.
This will prompt you to select the group, the date and the reason for the visit movement. If you select the relevant information and then click the 'Bulk Move' button, a pop up will appear asking for confirmation.
If you click 'Ok' on the compact view, that will change the visits that have been moved to black to indicate they have been cancelled and a new visit will have been created for the dates specified with a number indicating how many times it has been moved previously.
Edit the start time - to edit the start time of a visit, you click on the time the visit starts and enter in a new time, please note that changing the start time will automatically change the end time.
Edit the proposed duration by editing the end time - just like the Start Time, you can also edit the End Time of a visit. This will also change the proposed duration of the visit. When you change the Start Time, the End Time automatically changes to keep the proposed duration of the visit the same, but when you change the End Time, the proposed duration of the visit will extend.
Virtual Visits are shown in a grey target icon: and a Face to Face visits have a locator pinpoint icon:
A number displayed to the right of a date on a visit row will indicate that this visit has previously changed date. For each time a visit is edited to change the date, the number will increase. Please note, if you use the Compact view to change the date of a visit, you will receive an Alert message as well.
See problems in yellow, unallocated red, double-ups in green and cancelled in black.
- Click on the little (i) next to staff names to see staff contact details.
- Click on the little (i) next to patient names to see patient contact details.
- Click on the little notepad icon next to each visit in order to see notes from that visit.
If it is switched on in Account Settings you can show the reason why a visit has not allocated.
It will show in green if it will successfully allocate the visit to the default staff member. It will show in yellow if there is a possible problem (on hover over will specify the reason) and will show in red if there is no default allocated.
You are able to see if a default staff member is untrained on the compact view by clicking on the orange "Allocate" button. As shown in the screenshot below, this section shows if they are trained or untrained for the visit.
The other elements are:
Busy - This shows whether that staff member is already on another visit or on leave at the same time
Availability - This shows whether that staff member has been set as available at that time
Times Visited - This shows the number of instances that the staff member has been to see that specific patient within the last 6 months
Hours this week - This shows how many hours of work that your staff member has got assigned to them this week. If you set a number of contracted hours within the staff profile, this will also show here.
Sort Order - You also have the ability to sort the order of visits A-Z to Z-A for the service name or the staff name. Click on the arrow pointing down to sort A-Z and the arrow pointing up to sort Z-A these are found next to the column headers.
Autoscheduler Results
If you are using the Compact View to Auto schedule visits the system now retains the previous 3 Auto schedule results to help identify where visits have not been allocated. To view the Auto Schedule results click the Auto Schedule results button.
This will take you to a page where you can see the previous results, then time the Autoscheduler was ran, the time it took to process and who ran it. To drill down further and see the results click the View Result button next to the relevant Autoschedule.
This will now give you the visits that could not be allocated and the reason/s why.
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