Please note: On the Day View, when a staff member has clicked “Allocate” at the bottom of the page, visits which have check in data will not be draggable to another staff member. When they try to move this visit, a message that says “this visit has been checked into and cannot be reallocated”, will show.
You can access the Staff Day View by selecting ‘Visits’ and clicking ‘Day View’. Only visits with a start and end time will show on this page, visits that are untimed will not appear. You have the ability to filter information on this page:
Filter Options
You will see filtering options displayed at the top of the page, these will give you the ability to refine the information that is showing on the page:
- You can select your start date which will default to todays date.
- You can specify the time period you would like to see for that day.
- You can filter for an individual staff member, patient, and/or site
- You can filter for a specific intervention
Further to this, you can also filter by the type and group:
5a. The group type has 2 dropdowns, the first is Visit which goes by the visit group, this can be updated by editing the event or repeating event.
5b. The second drop-down allows the filter type by Staff Patient and Site, with this option selected Civica Scheduling will pull through any visits which have the selected group applied to it in either area ie the Staff Patient and Site. This can sometimes mean it will load a Patient that is in 'Group B' when you're filtering by 'Group A' due to the staff member or the site being in 'Group A', this will also work vice versa, if you filter by 'Group A', it will show staff members in 'Group A' that have been assigned to a 'Group B' visit.
6. You can filter with an individual group or multiple groups.
Warnings/ Colour Codes
On the top right-hand side of the screenshot above, there are a few different colours. The visits are colour coded depending upon their status:
- Dark Grey - Virtual Visit
- Blue - Face-to-Face visit, without any problems.
- Light Blue - the Patient is in a different group to the allocated staff member
- Dark Green - this is a double-up visit.
- Light Green - this is a completed visit with a survey attached.
- Amber- there is some kind of problem such as a clash or a visits start or end time does not fit within the threshold.
- Red - this will highlight any visits with a Clinical Risk such as an incompatibility, a visit given to an untrained staff member, a visit with more than one staff member assigned inappropriately, A visit outside of the staff members availability or the intervention limit has broke the maximum limit per shift rule.
- Grey - this shows staff leave.
- Black - the visit has been cancelled.
This page will automatically scale itself depending on the time period that has been set in the filtering options.
The next part of the day view will show you the visits that have yet to be allocated, you will see that each block will be sized according to the proposed duration of the visit (I.E. A 15-minute visit will be visually smaller than a 1-hour visit).
Underneath this, you will find the staff members names and visits that have been allocated to them, as before, these will be sized based on the proposed duration of the visit, this will help show gaps in a staff members day where they have time available to be allocated. By clicking on the staff members name, it will give you the information relating to that staff member, such as their contact number. Any staff member that has an 24 hour Visit will have this highlighted under their name.
Staff that have had their default availability set will show with a green background on the available times. Staff who are unavailable (or who haven't had their default availability set) will show with a greyed out background that becomes red when moused over.
If you click on a visit card, it will enlarge the card and show more detailed information regarding the visit. If a visit has something unusual, such as a clash with another visit, you will also be able to see the reason for this by hovering over the "i" icon when viewing the expanded card.
You may also come across a visit card with a number in the top right of the enlarged visit card. This shows you how many times a visit has been moved. I.e the count will increase for each time a visit has been edited to change the date.
To close this box click on a blank area inside of the larger box.
If a staff member has visits booked for that day, extra options will be visible in their individual name box. You will be able to see the travel time for that staff members day, as well as the mileage for that day.
Below the staff members name there are 4 buttons (from left to right):
- Download Day Overview (.PDF) - This will download a PDF overview for this staff members day
- Download Day Overview (.CSV) - This will download a CSV overview for this staff members day (a spreadsheet version)
- Download Jobsheet - This will download jobsheets for this staff members day
- View on Map - This will open up the route between that days visits on Google maps
Page Modes
The day view comes with three modes:
- Viewing - This is the default mode when accessing the day view, it will give you the ability to click on visits to find out more information about them.
- Allocate - This mode will allow you to drag and drop visits to other staff members (or to the unallocated section) to update them. This mode is locked to moving the visits vertically to avoiding accidental time changes.
- Change Times - This mode allows you to change the time of a visit by dragging it horizontally to update the time. This view is locked horizontally to avoid any accidental allocation changes.
If a visit is overlapping another visit, it will appear as the boxes (visits) are overlapping:
As shown above, if you would like to see these visits in more detail, you can click the black triangle where the red arrow is pointing, this will expand that section to give a clear view of any overlapping visits as shown in the screenshot below:
As mentioned above, you can change the allocations by clicking the 'Allocate' page mode, this will give you the ability to drag & drop the individual visits to the relevant staff member. You can also click on a visit you would like to allocate and this will highlight the selected visit yellow and will also highlight suggested available slots:
You can then either click in the area you would like the selected visit to be allocated or drag & drop the visit to allocate.
Time Period
You can also 'zoom' into a specific time period in a day by dragging the vertical grey bars that are located on either side of the time bar. When dropping the grey bar it can only be dropped on the hour markers.
Dragging these bars over the time you would like to 'zoom' in on.
Additional Information
You may see additional information next to the staff members names:
- Total mileage - this can show the total mileage for the staff member on that day
- Contact Mins - total duration of visits that the staff member has today
- Travel time - this will show the total travel time the staff member has for that day
- Total - this combines the Contact Mins and Travel Time values to give you an overall total for the day
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