The purpose of this feature is to allow multiple Events/Visits to be stored within one programme. Each Visit can have different times and dates arranged as long as they all connect to one concept.
To create a programme, click on Programmes and go to Add New Programme.
You will need to add the relevant fields. The Programme Name is the title you wish to label the Programme as. The Funder is whoever will be funding the Event/Visit. The Site should be the location of the Programme. The Programme Leader is allocating a Staff Member. Maximum Group Size allows there to be a limit to fill the capacity. This could be dependant on the location. Finally, Programme Session Type has three categories which the company can choose to use as they wish. Lastly, click the green Create Programme button to save the Programme.
Now that a Programme has been created, you will need to assign dates, Service Users and Staff Members to each Event/Visit.
Once you click to save the Programme a new page will be displayed where further arrangements can be made.
To the left of the screen you will see the Programme Details. This will display the programme type, programme name, programme leader, address, capacity and lastly number booked. The number booked shows how many service users have been booked to the programme. If any Service Users were to be cancelled from the programme, this will also be displayed within brackets such as "Number Booked: 2 (1 Cancelled)" :
Here you can set the Date and Times of every Event/Visit that will be taking place for this Programme:
Below you can add all the Service Users that will be attending the Event/Visits:
When you go over to the Compact View to display this information you will notice the event with multi Patients are displayed as below. Each row will depict how many Patients have been booked along with cancelled numbers in brackets and maximum capacity per event. Once this row is expanded by clicking on the arrow, a list of all Patients will appear with the cancelled Patients in the black background.
These Events/Visits will also be displayed in the Sites Capacity Planner.
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