This tab will allow Users to move a visit from one group to another.
When a Visit is 'moved', the system will cancel and unallocate the original Visit, and create a clone of the Visit on the newly assigned groups view. The new Visit will preserve all attributes on an event except the assigned user(s) and the date or group (if that is what's changed in the process of moving the visit).
A benefit of this is that the system will keep an audit log of any changes made within Civica Scheduling, allowing users to easily identify a reason for a Visit not showing on a page they had previously expected it to be.
To move a visit, click to View the Visit.
Click on the Move Visit tab. Here you will be able to change the group and also change the date if required. For auditing purposes, the system will require a reason for the visit moving. Once all the details have been changed, hit Save.
If you go back to view the Patient's list of Upcoming Visits, you will notice that the original Visit has been cancelled (represented with the black background) and a new Visit will have been cloned along with an additional field inputted - Visit Group. If you have changed the date, scroll to the that date range. The list will be in ascending order.
Visit Movement Reasons
You can also add preset visit movement reasons so you don't have to type them out each time, you can start to add these by going to Settings located in the top right of Civica Scheduling, once here you will see a tab called 'Visit Movement Reasons', if you click onto this tab you will then see a list of any preset reasons you have added in the past (if any).
You will have a 'Reason' field, which when populated will be displayed from the dropdown selection you encounter when moving a visit.
Once you have saved this, you will then be able to use this movement reason as an option for when you go to move your visits.
Related Articles:
- Group Filter View
- How Do I Use Concurrent Teams?
- How Do I Bulk Assign Groups to Staff/Service Users?
- How Do I Filter Services By Groups?
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