Also known as Clinical Booking System or Venue Capacity Planner; this depends on the taxonomy that is being used on your account.
The Site Capacity Planner displays all Events/Visits in and groups them by each Site. A good way to use this is to see how many visits have been planned against their sites.
To do this, go to Sites in the Civica Scheduling banner bar and click on Sites Capacity Planner.
From here, you can add in the relevant filter fields that you wish to obtain. This includes Site Type where you can select which of the three categories you have given to each Site. By default Sites will be set to Private, however you can change this by editing the Site and selecting the intended category under Site Details.
Next, you have the option of narrowing your search by included a Group. This will only extract searches that are relative to the Group name within the Site Type.
The Start Date and End Date allows a certain time frame of searches to be shown.
Lastly, click the Load button to show the results.
Once the search has been run and a timetable is displayed you will see that each Event/Visit is exhibited as blocks. A Key Bar is available on the top right corner which shows what each colour of the blocks symbolise.This symbolises whether there are Patients ‘booked’(assigned) to the event on that site or not. If there is not a Patient assigned, there will be a red block to shoe that this visit is 'unbooked' (unassigned).
These blocks can be expanded as a card when you click on them.
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