Accessing Civica Scheduling
You may have access, through the xyClient, to one or more integrated applications from one or more suppliers. You can access these applications, including Civica Scheduling, in two ways:
1. Clicking on the application tile in the xyClient will launch the application in your default browser such as a Chrome or Edge. Please note that xyClient has not been tested with Internet Explorer.
2. You can navigate directly to the Supplier’s application in your browser. You may find it convenient to put a shortcut on your desktop.
Please note that, if you use a Smartcard, once you have created your xyClient account, the xyClient will automatically log-in each time you insert your Smartcard. You can therefore go straight to Civica Scheduling.
Configuration for SystmOne Users
Please note that the xyClient may use one key to make basic calls to SystmOne and each Consumer Application will also use its own key to make calls to SystmOne. This means that the following steps will occur once for the xyClient and once for each of the applications you use that are integrated with SystmOne using the xyClient.
Now that you are logged into the xyClient, you will be asked to confirm that you want xyClient to access SystmOne. The first time this happens in any organisation, to complete this step, the user must have system admin rights in SystmOne. Click on “Approve” as shown below. If you see this screen but no approve button, you will need to find a user with admin rights in SystmOne to complete the first activation. Once the first activation has been completed by an administrator, any user can activate the xyClient on their desktop, once only on that desktop for all users. This activation of the xyClient must be completed on each desktop where it is to be used. Remember that this simple application approval step must be completed once for xyClient and once for all the products you use, integrated through xyClient.
Now load a patient in SystmOne. After a few seconds, the patient’s name will appear in the header of the xyClient. This shows that the APIs are working correctly, and any application accessed through the xyClient will be able to talk to SystmOne. You will see the following:
Things that SystmOne users should be aware of
- If you have more than one instance of SystmOne open on your desktop, xyClient can only see the instance that was open and active on the desktop when you first logged in to the xyClient.
- Opening more than one Patient at a time in SystmOne is OK but if you switch between patients whilst a Supplier clinical application form is open, this may cause the form to fail. If you switch back it should recover. This is done to ensure that there is no risk of reading and writing to the wrong record.
- If the same patient’s record is open in another instance of SystmOne at the same time and is the active patient (the one on top), the write back to SystmOne may very occasionally fail.
- If Civica Scheduling application is blocked in SystmOne, it can be unblocked as follows:
- In SystmOne go to Setup/mobile working and integration/Device Manager
You will see:
Open the Blocked folder. Look for Civica Scheduling n, right click and click approve device.
Configuration and trouble shooting for EMIS Users
Please note that the xyClient may use one key to make basic calls to EMIS and each Consumer Application will also use its own key to make calls to EMIS. This means that the following steps will occur once for the xyClient and once for each of the applications you use that are integrated with EMIS using the xyClient.
API: Application Programming Interface
CDB Number: The Practice’s EMIS site number.xycare User Password: The password set for the xycare Integration User (or XYINT) in the “Users” section of EMIS (see below)
xyINT EMAS Password: This is a password created in the EMAS manager that is immortal and is used alongside the xyINT Username in the xyclient client to link to EMIS. This password will have been sent to you or your admin user can set this Password in the xyPortal. Please ask your Civica Scheduling Manager if you have any questions.
ODS Number: The organisation’s (practice’s) national organisation number. All established practices have a number and the format is usually a letter followed by up to 5 numbers. The format for new organisations changed from February 2021 to ANANA (A=letter; N=number).
OTA: One Time Activation. A setting in EMIS that only requires the activation of the product in the EMAS manager but not on each desktop as well.
Basic Information
There are three methods of integration:
1. OTA
2. Activate with ID
3. Log-in.
The preferred method for connecting the xyClient and all your applications to EMIS, is OTA. This requires a System User but there is no desktop activation step. As many users do not remember their EMIS usernames and passwords, this is preferred. There is no further action required when you have new staff or you get new or replacement computers.
Activate with ID does not require the creation of a System User but each user is required to enter their EMIS username and password on each desktop they use (once only).
Log-in requires a system user to be created and each desktop needs to be activated once by a user entering the System User username and password once on each desktop.
OTA requires the following steps to be completed:
Step 1: Create a System User.
Step 2: Configure the EMAS manager in EMIS Web/Community.
Advantage: There is no need for the desktop activation step for each user on each machine they use.
Step 1: Configuring EMIS Web/Community
- The user needs to have sufficient privileges in EMIS to be able to add new users
- In EMIS go to the menu bubble in the top left-hand corner and select Configuration | Organisation Configuration.
- Select Add | Add New User
- You will have been supplied with a system username and password for each of xyClient and all your applications. Enter their name as first name and last name. Title and gender can be chosen randomly. Enter a dummy email address.
- For the username please use the user name supplied.
- Use a password of your choice. If you are using OTA, you will not need this password again. If you are using Login, then it is this user name and password that will be required at the product activation step on each desktop.
- Untick ‘User must change password on next sign in’
- Click ‘Next’
- On the next page, select ‘Manager’ as Job Category.
- Select Consulter as ‘yes’
- Enter the username as supplied to you
- Enter ‘None’ against Authorise Prescriptions
- Enter ‘Employed by Practice’ under Relationship
- Enter today’s date against the Contract start date
- Leave other entries as default
- Click on Next
- From the left hand side select the User Role Profiles and ensure the RBAC role is ‘Practice Manager’ or General Practitioner from the drop down
- Click OK at the bottom of the screen.
Step 2: EMAS Configuration
- Now click on the Menu bubble and select System Tools | EMAS Manager
Go to Partner API:
- From the alphabetical list highlight Civica Scheduling and click on Activate Application
Go to login access
- Click on Login Access from the menu, find the CISINTODS number user in the list (it can be sorted alphabetically by last name) and tick Auto Login and Allow Login
- Click OK
- Now click on Edit Users and from the list that can be sorted alphabetically tick the new user
- You must now enter the password that you have been sent.
- Click OK
- Click OK again
- EMIS is now set up to communicate with the xyClient.
Please repeat this process for all of your applications that will be integrated with EMIS using the xyClient.
Desktop Activation Step
The desktop activation step appears as follows:
- Activate with ID
- Log-in
The following screen will appear:
Please follow the onscreen instructions.
- If “Activate with ID” is being used, the user must enter their own EMIS username and password.
- If “Log in” is being used, the user must enter the username and password for the system user created at step 1 (this is the user’s password not the EMAS password)..
Once you have finished, open a patient in EMIS and log into the xyClient (with your Smartcard if you have one). After a few seconds, the patient’s name will appear in the header of the xyClient. This shows that the APIs are working correctly, and any application accessed through the xyClient will be able to talk to EMIS; and you will see the following:
Things that EMIS users should be aware of:
- EMIS only allows one instance of EMIS to be open when using the APIs that xyClient connects to. Please make sure you only have one instance open on that machine. Please bear in mind that another user may have simply locked their Windows session and left another instance of EMIS running on the machine you are using. Please ask the user to close their instance or simply reboot the machine and log in again using your smart card. If you open a second instance of EMIS yourself, you will see this message at regular intervals:
Please note that clicking on yes or no makes the message disappear for a few seconds but does not cause either instance to close. If the user closes the second instance all will be well. If the user closes the first, it will be necessary to close and reopen both EMIS and the Client.
- The integration uses the “EMAS” manager and a username and password. If the integration never works, this is normally because there is a problem with the EMAS configuration. Please raise a help-desk ticket. Support will arrange for this problem to be fixed for you.
- If the integration was working for a while and then stops, this is normally due to a problem with the xyINT, System Use. The most common problem is that this account has become locked because a user has entered the username and password incorrectly three times at the desktop activation step. The integration was working and then stops working for all users in the practice or organisation. Please ask an admin user to reset the System User’s password in EMIS (NOT THE EMAS PASSWORD).
- If you use the integrated application with the patient open in context in EMIS and you change the patient open in EMIS whilst you have an application open, the application will lock and you will not be able to save changes. If you switch back in EMIS to the first patient again whilst the application remains open, the form may recover. This is done to ensure that there is no risk of reading and writing to the wrong record.
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